
All tests are individually administered and interpreted directly by Dr. Burgee, as she does not employ psychometrists and/or psychology associates for test administration purposes.



A psychoeducational evaluation is a comprehension assessment of a student's functioning in three primary areas that impact learning and academic functioning.

These areas include the following:

1) Learning aptitude/cognitive processing;
2) Basic academic skill development, application and fluency; and
3) Academic Adjustment Factors.



1. Tests of Learning Aptitude - (also called intelligence (IQ) tests, cognitive processing tests) investigate a student's abilities on measures of
verbal linguistic skills (long-term memory, abstract reasoning, vocabulary development, comprehension, and auditory short-term memory) as well as non- verbal skills (visual organization and memory, nonverbal reasoning, planning ability, visual motor coordination, spatial visualization ability, and short-term visual memory). Supplemental cognitive (aptitude) tests are given to further investigate any problem areas based on in-take information and observations (e.g., attention, organization, visual-auditory associative memory, processing speed, auditory (phonological
processing), long-term retrieval, visuo-spatial memory and fluid reasoning, etc.).

2. Tests of Academic Skill Development - investigate a student' s skills in the areas of reading, written language and mathematics. Within each of these academic domains, the student is tested on measures of basic skills development and higher level application and reasoning skills. For example, reading tests assess word decoding, phonetic skills, word identification, fluency/rate and comprehension.

3. Tests of Academic Adjustment Factors - investigate a student's academic adjustment that may be impacted by confidence and motivational factors connected to learning differences. Students are also screened for emotional/psychological conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression) during this portion of the evaluation.

PREPARATION: For the first session, please bring a copy of your report cards beginning as early as you can locate and a copy of previous testing reports (medical, psychological, educational). Also, bring a copy of any IEPs, 504 Plans or Individual Academic Plans. Take any prescribed medications on the day of testing. You may wish to bring a snack and drink. Get a good night sleep and something to eat prior to the testing sessions.


ADD/ADHD Testing assess cognitive, attentional and psychological functioning. Recommendations are provided in the areas of academic, social, occupational and personal strategy development.

PREPARATION: See above for Psychoeducational Testing.


Admissions and IQ testing required by various private schools are provided using the Weschler Intelligence Scales for ages 3 to 17. 

Please bring student's most recent report card and have him/her well rested and relaxed.